When there is only a little hope.

We believe God will work in BIG ways.

What We Do

At Changed Lives Ministry (CLM), we are committed to providing a comprehensive range of services and programs that address the holistic needs of individuals struggling with addiction. Our approach is rooted in the transforming power of Jesus Christ and aims to foster healing, restoration, and lasting change.

  1. Christ-Centered Rehabilitation:

    We offer a Christ-centered residential rehabilitation program that provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals seeking to break free from the grip of addiction. Through a structured and personalized approach, we address the spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects of recovery, combining biblical principles with evidence-based practices.

  2. Individualized Treatment Plans:

    Recognizing that each person's journey is unique, we develop individualized treatment plans tailored to meet the specific needs of our participants. Our experienced team of staff and mentors conduct comprehensive assessments and work closely with individuals to create personalized plans that encompass counseling, group therapy, life skills training, and spiritual guidance.

  3. Holistic Support and Care:

    We believe in addressing the whole person, which is why we provide holistic support and care beyond addiction treatment. Our programs include life skills development, vocational training, educational opportunities, and family support to equip individuals with the tools they need for long-term success and reintegration into society.

  4. Spiritual Guidance and Discipleship:

    As a ministry, we prioritize spiritual growth and discipleship. Our compassionate team is dedicated to guiding individuals on their spiritual journey, helping them develop a deeper relationship with God and discover their true identity in Christ. We offer regular Bible studies, prayer sessions, worship services, and pastoral counseling to support individuals in their faith walk.

  5. Aftercare and Community Integration:

    Our commitment to individuals extends beyond their time in our residential program. We provide comprehensive aftercare services and support to help individuals transition back into their communities. This includes assistance with employment, ongoing counseling, support groups, and access to alumni networks to ensure they have the ongoing support needed to maintain their transformed lives.

At Changed Lives Ministry,

our ultimate goal is to see individuals experience healing, restoration, and transformed lives through the power of Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to providing a compassionate and supportive environment where individuals can find hope, rebuild their lives, and walk in the freedom and purpose they were created for.